I spent another marvelous weekend in Massachussets towns!
This time we rented a car and drove to Rockport.
I think it´s the most beautiful town I visited so far!

The doors had nice decorations, and the stores were just too cute to be real!

We bought a cone of fried calamari and fish, and headed to the beach for a short picnic.
It was great! The view was amazing...

Then we drove to Gloicester, passing by the Thatcher Island with the twin lighthouses...

The beach is Gloicester was nice! It was sunny and everything has this perfect light blue colour...
I was taking the 2am bus to NY, to arrive 6am so that I can sleep 2 hours and then go to the office...
My weekends are going great, but my Mondays are awful!!!
Can´t wait for the next weekend!