Oh, my last postcards from USA!
I ended my magic year, my thirteen months of dreams ...
Here I´m sharing one of the last photos of my last day in Boston, in the middle of a snowstorm that caused closure of roads, highways, airports and fear not me make it to NY to take my plane. Finally, they opened some roads, and since they were empty, I managed to arrived to JFK with plenty of time to accommodate luggage and pay just under too much, haha!
Well, as I said, these are some of the latest postcards I´ve been writing during the recent roadtrip to California and in my last days in Boston ...
Oh, I'm going to miss the snow so much!! And Starbucks and the sushi just around the corner! My nail polish, and my favourite breakfast: blueberry muffins and ice-coffee .... I better not to continue with the list of irreplaceable treasures my life in New York and in the US got me everyday ...
Above all, I´m afraid I´m gonna miss myself. The Bel that I really am. Not the one that others want me to be, just the one I am, and that I set free during my New Yorker Life. I gonna miss New York, but I will also miss Bel & The City...

Today is my first morning in Buenos Aires. And I had my first awakening. Pretty ungrateful.
I woke up with the horrible feeling of suffocation. That horrible feeling that only countless layers of blankets and a strong heater can cause you.
I woke up thinking I had to turn off the heat. And for a second before I open my eyes, I felt I was there. I felt I was home.
But soon I realized that in fact the storm of the night had lowered the temperature of this sticky summer in Buenos Aires. And I was in my other other home, my birth home.
My life in New York is now just a part of my past... that I will leave behind little by little...
And now as I write this and look at my photos of My New York, I think "I want to stay, I want to stay, this is my life now," but every time takes less time to realize that actually I'm back to Buenos Aires, and I don´t know when I´ll go back to my city, my big apple that chose me and that I chose: (