Our second day in Dc was exhaustingly fun!
We woke up early- again!- and visited the Smithsonian American Art Museum. It was really hot! So after walking a few blocks we needed to get water! We bought some mineral water and entered the museum. We were going trough some sculptures and art works, when I noticed one of my phones was vibrating strangely.
I have two cell phones. One is my New Yorker cell phone that i use to make local calls, and then , I have my Argentinian cell phone, to talk with my family.
When I opened my purse, it turned out it was flooded! Both of my cell phones were submerged deeply in 6 cms of water in my purse! Unbelievable!
So, I went to the restrooms, empty my purse and pray for them to keep working...
Both of my phones were in shock and not working... after a few minutes, my New Yorker cell phone started working. The water didn´t reach it that bad since it was in an inside pocket. But the other one... wouldn´t even turn on.
I took the batteries off and hoped that the hot weather would work miracles...
I tried to relax and kept enjoying my day in DC!
We headed then to the FEDERAL TRIANGLE. We took a a walk by the waterfront and passed by the Roosevelt Memorial, Jefferson memorial, Washington monument, World War II Memorial, Korean Memorial, Roosevelt Memorial. It was exhausting! It was over 100°F, and we couldn´t keep walking.
We kept buying water to get hydrated. And then... we discovered some street vendors that had some lemonade ice creams that were just fantastic! Actually they were not ice creams... it was more like frozen lemonade... Just perfect, what we were needing to keep going...
The worse part is that we didn´t know there was a Motorcycle parade to commemorate Memorial´s Day!
The parade of Marching Bands and Veterans is sponsored by the World War II Veterans Committee and units people from all the country that take part in it. So basically it means people from everywhere comes to the parade! So it was almost impossible to reach the destinations
We had to walk tons of extra blocks to border the motorcycle parade and find access to the Memorial´s monuments...
I was so crowded! Thankfully, we had frozen lemonade providers everywhere!

We were exhausted and I couldn´t help taking my sandals off when we entered the museum... I just needed to feel the cold marble floor!
We made some funny pics in the entrance :) I felt I was gonna die!

So, we visited the National Gallery of Art and the Hirschorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Both were great. I´m a big fan of contemporary art, so I loved their collections :)

Then we managed to get to the White House just before the storm started...
It was what we needed... fresh water!!
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