I love the DK Witness Travel Guides, so when I started to plan my trip to Washington for Memorial´s Day long weekend, I didn´t hesitate to buy one. I picked the Top 10 Places of Washington DC , since I didn´t feel like getting overloaded with information I was not going to read anyways...
Then I learnt they had in their website some of the information included in the guide, so it was easier to plan my trip at work on my free time.
Some night in late March, or maybe in April, when I started to feel lonely, once all my visitors left and had nobody else visiting me, I called Mechi, the girl I met just before New Year´s Eve,
We had exchange some emails after she left to Illinois where she was taking a semester, but then we lost contact.
So, one night while I was walking back fro work to my place, I phoned her. We chat and chat and we talked about our lives in the US, our trips, and our next plans...
It was great to know she was planning to visit DC as well! She was finishing her semester and was taking a month to visit friends and some other cities in the East Coast.
I had already booked a hostel for Memorial´s day Weekend, but she was planning to visit DC the weekend after. It was not hard to make her change her mind :) and reorganize her trips itineraries.
So... she ended up booking the same place, the same weekend and had loads of fun...
As part of the Summer Fridays Program of my company, I left the office early and headed to Penn Station to take a Chinese bus that ended up having the best schedule that fit my hours. The train was too expensive for my intern stipend. And the regular Greyhound -or even other Chinatown buses- would leave at sharp o´clock. But this particular company that left from Penn Station, would leave every 30 minutes.
Iwona and Pawel- his boyfriend that got an internship in NY and moved from Poland to be with her-were going to Washington as well. So we took the bus together. They were staying at same relatives´place, so we couldn´t plan our trip together...
So, here we were, in the bus, leaving to DC.
It took us ages to get there. The bus emergency windowshields kept getting opened once and again during the whole trip! And then another bus from the same company stopped working and we had to take some of their passengers, and wait for the next bus to take over the rest of the passengers.
What was going to take around 4.30hs, ended up taking around 6hs.
Next morning, Mechi and I walked up early and spent some time walking around Capitol Hill, and took a tour at Library of Congress.
I knew Iwona and Pawel were doing something similar so we called each other and decided to head to the Eastern Market together and Capitoll Hill Flea market.
It´s a shame we didn´t take pictures of the four of us together...
Then we split, since they were doing something else, and MEchi and I kept our plan and headed Old Downtown and saw Chinatown, and the FBI.

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